M.A. Patricia Schwiering

Research associate and doctoral candidate
Room: IB 5/155
Phone: +49 234 32 - 19508
Office hours: Current by appointment by e-mail
ORC-ID: 0000-0001-9853-7794

Focus of research

  • Growth and Fixed Mindset
  • Teacher beliefs and attitudes
  • Qualitative research methods

Further information

since 10/2022

Research associate in the DFG project "Causal Effects of Teacher Mindsets on Student Motivation and Emotion"
Research Group Educational Psychology and Development across the Lifespan, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr-University Bochum


Research associate at the chair of Educational and Differential Psychology
Institute of Psychology, TU Dortmund University

2021 -2022

Research associate in the DFG project "Causal Effects of Teacher Mindsets on Student Motivation and Emotion"
Chair of Educational and Differential Psychology, Institute of Psychology, TU Dortmund University


Research assistant in the BMBF project "BiFoKi - Bielefeld training concept for cooperation in inclusive schools"
Bielefeld University


Master of Arts (M.A.) Educational Science
Bielefeld University


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Educational Science and Linguistics/Phonetics (2-Subject-Bachelor)
University of Cologne


Semester abroad
KU Leuven, Campus Brussels


  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2025, January 27-29). Effekte Mathematikspezifischer Mindsets von Lehramtsstudierenden im Kontext von schulischem Feedback [Effects of mathematics-specific mindsets of preservice teachers in the context of school feedback]. In K. Asbury & A. Heyder (Chairs), Aktuelle Mindset-Interventionen im deutschsprachigen Raum: Was können sie für wen bewirken? [Current mindset interventions in German-speaking countries: What can they achieve for whom?] [Symposium]. 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Empirical Educational Research [GEBF], Mannheim. 
  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2024, September 15-19). Effekte einer Mindset-Intervention auf antizipierte Selbstwirksamkeit und Emotionen angehender Lehrkräfte [Effects of a mindset intervention on the anticipated self-efficacy and emotions of preservice teachers]. In F. Eckerskorn & M. Frühauf (Chairs), Emotionen im Lern- und Leistungskontext: Neuere Ansätze und Kontexte [Emotions in the learning and achievement context: Recent approaches and contexts] [Symposium]. 53rd Congress of The German Psychological Society [DGPs], Vienna, Austria.
  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2024, April 11-14). Effects of a Teacher-Targeted Growth Mindset Intervention on Teachers' Professional Beliefs, Emotions, and Behavior. In D. B. Miele & F. Lauermann (Chairs), Exploring the Situated Nature of Teachers’ Ability-Related Beliefs, Classroom Practices, and Well-Being [Symposium]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association [AERA], Philadelphia, United States.
  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2024, March 18-20). Eine experimentelle Studie zu den Effekten von Lehrermindsets auf den Umgang mit leistungsschwachen Schülern, beruflichen Überzeugungen, Emotionen und Verhalten [An experimental study on the effects of teacher mindsets on coping with underachieving students, professional beliefs, emotions and behavior] [Oral presentation]. 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Empirical Educational Research [GEBF], Potsdam.
  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2024, February 1). Effekte mathespezifischer Lehrkräftemindsets auf die Motivation und Emotion von Schüler*innen - eine Interventionsstudie [Effects of math-specific teacher mindsets on students' motivation and emotion - an intervention study] [Poster presentation]. Internal Meeting of the Center of Educational Studies [CoES], Bochum.
  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2023, September 18-20). Effekte einer Growth Mindset Intervention bei Lehramtsstudierenden auf den Umgang mit leistungsschwachen Schülern, Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, Emotion und das erwartete Unterrichtsverhalten [Effects of a growth mindset intervention in student teachers on dealing with underachieving students, self-efficacy expectation, emotion and expected teaching behavior] [Oral presentation]. 19th Conference of the German Psychological Society's Specialist Group on Educational Psychology [PAEPS], Kiel.
  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2023, June 14-15). Growth Mindsets als Teil der Schule von morgen? – Eine experimentelle Studie zu den Effekten von Lehrermindsets [Growth mindsets as part of the school of tomorrow? - An experimental study on the effects of teacher mindsets] [Poster presentation]. 8th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research, Dortmund.
  • Schwiering, P. & Heyder, A. (2023, March 30). Effekte von Lehrermindsets auf Schülermotivation und -emotion [Effects of teacher mindsets on student motivation and emotion] [Poster presentation]. Internal Meeting of the Center of Educational Studies [CoES], Bochum.
  • Eisenbeiß, S., Schwiering, P., & Wrobel, F. (2018, October 31). Pronomeninterpretation - die Rolle von Pronomentyp und Volitionalität [Pronoun interpretation - the role of pronoun type and volitionality] [Oral presentation]. Linguistic Working Group of the University of Cologne, Köln.

Other works

  • Schwiering, P. (2021). Multiprofessionelle Kooperation von Schulsozialarbeit und Sonderpädagogik in Teams in inklusiven Schulen. Evaluation einer Fortbildungsintervention [Multi-professional cooperation between school social work and special needs education in teams in inclusive schools. Evaluation of a training intervention] [Unpublished master's thesis]. Bielefeld University. 


Mentee in the mentoring³ program for doctoral researchers of the UA Ruhr universities, Mentoring program for academic career development for female early career researchers


Career Certificate "Academia & Research", as part of the interdisciplinary qualification program of the Graduate Center of TU Dortmund University


Erasmus+ scholarship